We have a full house! My sister Demanda came into town on Thursday wih her two boys, and Jaster, her husband just arrived yesterday.
There are babies everywhere..or more accurately toddlers (her boys have just turned one)..and Jake has not stepped on a single one.
Jake has been very happy to play on the front deck since it hadn't been raining. of course now the rain is back and along with it very cold weather. I still let him play on the deck today while it was sprinkling. He came in on his own when it was raining too hard. He came in and when I asked him if he wanted some warm cozy clothes He stopped in his tracks and stood net to me. He let me help him out of wet sticky clothes that were hard to get off his body, and was extremely compliant in getting two layers of shirts on along with sweats and socks.
It seem like he is following directions better these days.
examples, last Sunday, his Oma, Cookie, went downstairs to say hi to him while he was playing in his room. She headed back upo the stairs and called behind her, "Jake,come upstairs and say hi to Papa when you're ready." He marched right upthe stairs behind her and went over to the couch and pounced on Papa.
twice in the last week: me "Jake if you want more to drink you will need to bring me your cup." and the cup is then off of the floorin the hallway and back on his little counter where he eats his breakast.
21 January, 2008
Babies in The House
autism blog,
child development,
my sister,
all writing by me © 2004-21 (unless otherwise noted)
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.