21 July, 2009

Christina Chew Posts on the Autism Corps

Kristina Chew has posted an article at Change.org where she shares our petition and how her own family would benefit from one-to-one care for their son Charlie.

I am without childcare this week. Jake's aide spent part of the weekend in the hospital with a high fever, victim of the flu (I wonder if she got her flu shot this year?) . She was tested for H1N1 and thankfully does not have it. But back to my point... I have no childcare this week, and I will be fine.

The reason it will be okay? I know it's only one week. My husband will take on a bit more of the evening routine, knowing that I will have a little less patience in me after competing the witching hour on my own. He will be kind when he is served the tuna noodle casserole I made yesterday. I can do anything for a week, possibly a year, but what if I felt the desperation of knowing that there was no one to help me...ever...

What if I was a single mom? What if I had more kids or more than one child with autism? What if I had to make a choice between spending money on childcare or feeding the child?

An Autism Corps could make a difference for families. It could change the life of adult autistics who just need a little (or a lot) of support. To gain a perspective we don't have, Shannon and I have been joined by Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg and Lindsey Nebeker, two adults on the autism spectrum to work on the Autism Corps strategy. This is important because many adults with autism do not feel represented in the current dialogue.

I am reminded daily by my son's pile of clothes and shoes that are too small, that he will grow to be a man, and that man will still have autism and will still need help. He will also, most likely, out-live me, leaving more than just a week without care.

Please sign our petition http://tr.im/rNdE

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