01 January, 2009

Happy New Year

The house is quiet. My brother and his family have gone home to deal with their identity theft problems, so there are no little girls tearing around the house. Jake is having a calm breakfast with only 1 dog at his feet instead of a pack. It was so good to have them here, and it will be good for us to rest as a small little family for a few days before work and school start again. Descartes is still sleeping. He's had a cough that makes him rattle all night...and he's had it for days, but I finally found a medicine that helps him sleep, so even he is still.

Our house has limited water use due to some as yet unidentifiable problem which has cost $375 to not fix so far. I am considering that if this is the hardest/worst thing in my life... we are having a great year so far.

and I'm about to make bacon, so who could have a bad day if it starts with bacon. I just heard that one of Seymour's friend's is going for a New Year's resolution she can keep... bacon 365. Hmm probably easier than the "year with out negative" my parents are trying.
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