- In 'n Out Burger opened up in our town (mixed blessing!)
- I was able to change out the DVR with no problems... a tele that cannot be paused is just not a part of my daughter's understanding of the world.
- my children are so happy at school.
- every phone call I've had in the last 24 hours has been from someone I am happy to hear from.
- we are going camping this weekend.
- the plane that crashed 300 yards from my husband in the lagoon near his office, crashed 300 yards away from him, not any closer.
- my son really wants to play on the iPod touch. I think we may have a winner here.
- both of my children are asleep, and so is my husband.. I've checked on each of them.
- the campground my hubbins chose for this weekend is a 10/10 in the California camping book.
- I have really interesting, smart friends. I can spend hours at a time talking with most any one of them, and still want more time sharing stories.
- After 4000 miles on the road, my husband and I can't wait to get in the car again with our kids and drive across the state for some quality outdoor time.
03 September, 2010
all writing by me © 2004-21 (unless otherwise noted)
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.