09 February, 2007

My kid is Bi-lingual

It is time to start taking Spanish classes.

Apparently when Jake was walking in the hall today (hallways in California schools are outside remember) he saw the rain, pointed and said "Agua"

*******Just so you know Jake does not point and rarely speaks. ********

Pretty cool eh? He has been slipping out more and more lately.

When I read the journal report from his teacher in the car I asked him if he had done that and he put his head down and smiled!

Just now he gave his sister a toy in her highchair (after stealing all of her Cheerios, of course.)

I think he is hitting another phase of development.

On Wednesday he didn't seem to want to eat anything 'normal' so I asked our babysitter to make him whole wheat cinnamon sugar toast. She sliced it up, then told me he wasn't eating that either. I said, from across the room, "C'mon Jake, you love cinnamon toast"
He then dropped his head made a face and shook his head "no" and smiled at Valerie!

As if to say "my mom is nutters".

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